Bill Redman, Kevin Yeo and Tony Faust review military history books that cover World War One to the present. The hosts utilize their experience as infantry Marines to try and put the books they review into a historical context. Discussions of politics and religion are avoided however friendly swipes the other services do occur from time to time.

Bill Redman
Bill enlisted in the naval reserve in 1984 and was commissioned in the Marine Corps in 1989. He retired from active duty in 2010. Bill served as a platoon commander, company executive officer, rifle company commander, and battalion executive officer during two tours with 1st Battalion, Eighth Marines. He also served as a platoon commander in 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company. Bill is a veteran of Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. He also served as a member of the British lead International Military Assistance Team in Sierra Leone and the UN Stabilization Force in Haiti.
Tony Faust
Tony was commissioned in the Marine Corps in 1989. After going through The Basic School and the Infantry Officers Course he served with Bill in 1st Battalion, Eighth Marines during the Gulf War. After the Gulf War he served as a platoon commander in 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion. Several years later Tony went back to 1st Battalion, Eighth Marines as a company commander and operations officer. During this period Kevin, Bill and I were all rifle company commanders together and formed a life long long friendship. After retiring from the Marine Corps Tony spent ten years working for Airbus before retiring permanently. Tony’s hobbies include woodworking, scale model building and all sports except pickleball..

Kevin Yeo
Kevin Yeo grew up in South Dakota and started his career young, working for his family and later becoming an electrician and bill collector. He then spent the next 21 years in the Marine Corps where he held both enlisted and officer ranks. Kevin served in infantry battalions for 14 years consecutively. His last deployment was with 2nd Battalion 8th Marines as the E Co. Commander during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and his last duty was as an Inspector Instructor within 24th Marines stationed in Lansing, MI. After the Marine Corps, his work life has included managing a hunting lodge and several years as a police officer.